
Job profiles

21 results

Hotel porter

Hospitality, catering and tourism
Welcome guests to a hotel and carry their luggage to their room. Help them with small tasks to make their stay more relaxing.

Hotel receptionist

Hospitality, catering and tourism
Take room bookings and give guests the keys to their room. Explain hotel services, give tourist information and help with requests.

Housekeeping assistant

Hospitality, catering and tourism
Make sure that hotel rooms are clean, tidy and inviting for guests.

Kitchen manager (head chef)

Hospitality, catering and tourism
Lead a team of staff in a kitchen to make delicious food to serve to customers.

Kitchen porter

Hospitality, catering and tourism
As a kitchen assistant or kitchen porter, you help a chef to prepare meals and keep the kitchen clean and safe so customers in a cafe or restaurant can enjoy their food.

Resort representative

Hospitality, catering and tourism
Arrange trips, answer enquiries and sort out problems for people on holiday so they have a good time.

Restaurant manager

Hospitality, catering and tourism
Run a restaurant so customers can enjoy delicious food and good service, and the business makes a profit.

Tour manager

Hospitality, catering and tourism
Make sure that tours for groups of holidaymakers run smoothly and that they enjoy themselves.

Tourist guide

Hospitality, catering and tourism
Help visitors enjoy places of interest. Explain facts and tell stories about the place and its people as you show them round.

Tourist information centre assistant

Hospitality, catering and tourism
Help visitors to get the most out of your local area by telling them about transport and things to do.