Future Me magazines

We have developed two digital magazines to help you during important times at school. You can read or download the magazines. 

Welcome To First Year – Great Careers Start Here

Just joined high school? This edition of Future Me has the help and information you need to get you thinking about your future career! You'll learn about how your Skills Development Scotland school careers adviser can help you. Read about the kind of exciting jobs there will be in the future and take part in a fun quiz. You'll discover the skills you need for a cracking career. 

Fàilte don Chiad Bhliadhna – Tha Deagh Dhreuchdan a Ttòiseachadh an Seo

Dìreach air a dhol dhan an àrd-sgoil? Anns an deasachadh seo dhan An Am ri Teachd Agamsa tha an cuideachadh agus am fiosrachadh a dh’ fheumas tu airson toirt ort smaoineachadh air do chùrsa-beatha san àm ri teachd! Ionnsaichidh tu mu mar as urrainn do chomhairliche dhreuchdan sgoile aig Leasachadh Sgilean na h-Alba do chuideachadh. Leugh mu na seòrsaichean obraichean inntinneach a bhios ann san àm ri teachd agus gabh pàirt ann an farpais-cheist spòrsail. Gheibh u lorg air na sgilean a dh’ fheumas tu airson dreuchd air leth. 

Option Choices

This edition of Future Me magazine has lots of great advice to help you understand what Option Choices are right for you. It is full of valuable tips and information. You can learn how to use the tools on My World of Work or read about what Career Management Skills are and why they’re so important for your future. Find out where your Option Choices can take you. 

Taghadh Roghainnean

Tha tòrr deagh chomhairle anns an iris seo den An Am ri Teachd Agamsa airson do chuideachadh le bhith a’ tuigsinn dè na Taghadh Roghainnean tha ceart dhutsa. Tha e làn de mholaidhean agus  fiosrachadh luachmhor. Faodaidh tu ionnsachadh mar a chleachdas tu na h-innealan air My World of Work no leughadh mu dè th’ann an Sgilean Riaghladh Dreuchdan agus carson a tha iad cho cudromach airson an àm ri teachd agad. Faigh a mach càite an toir na Taghadh Roghainnean agad thu. 

More support and advice for school pupils

We've created a page with information and advice for school pupils

Go to careers support

Advice and support to help you with Option Choices

We've created a page with information and advice about Option Choices

Go to Option Choices

Your careers adviser is there to help you, your parents and your carers. If you have any questions or need advice, then get in touch through your school.