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Job profiles

138 results

Interior designer

Job category: Design, arts and crafts

Create the look for rooms in homes, offices, hotels, restaurants and shops so they are attractive places to live and work.

  • Graphic Communication

Leakage operative

Job category: Construction and building

Find leaks in water pipes and arrange repairs to save water.

  • Skills for Work: Engineering Skills

Learning support assistant

Job category: Education and training

Help children and young people who need special support to make the most of education, and assist teachers in the classroom.

  • Childcare and Development

Learning technologist

Job category: Education and training

Apply your tech knowledge to help modernise education methods. As a learning technologist you’ll enhance the lives of teachers and students alike.

  • Graphic Communication


Job category: Facilities and property services

Install and fix locks to keep people’s homes and businesses secure. Help people who have accidentally locked themselves out.

  • Skills for Work: Engineering Skills

Manufacturing operator

Job category: Manufacturing and production

Be part of a team making goods or parts, from sorting raw materials to packing the finished products.

  • Skills for Work: Engineering Skills

Manufacturing systems engineer

Job category: Engineering

Design and install the equipment that will make a factory more efficient so it can make goods on time and at the right cost and quality.

  • Skills for Work: Engineering Skills

Marine engineer

Job category: Engineering

Design, build and repair ships, boats and offshore oil and gas platforms. Make sure their systems and machinery work effectively and safely.

  • Skills for Work: Engineering Skills

Materials engineer

Job category: Engineering

Test and research the materials of the future to use them in new technology and better products.

  • Skills for Work: Engineering Skills

Materials technician

Job category: Engineering

Run tests on materials to see how they can be used to improve products people use every day.

  • Skills for Work: Engineering Skills
