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Course search results

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Motivation - Power Guide To Motivating Yourself & Others




This free online self motivation course will give you teach you about the most effective ways motivate yourself and others. Motivation is the master skill of success - without it, you will fail, but with it, you can find success! In this course you will learn how to build a motivational mindset and acquire the skills to destroy any demotivators that have been holding you back. Take this course today and get your motivation back fast!Motivation is a key skill to have in life, both self-motivation and the ability to motivate others. In this free online course you will learn...

Microsoft Excel Essentials




This free online Microsoft Excel Essentials course cuts through the noise and delivers exactly what you need to know if you're brand new to Excel and are looking to use it in a business context. By the end of this course, you'll feel confident using Microsoft Excel. This course was recorded using Excel 2016 but nearly all the functionality shown is applicable in newer and older versions.This free online course Microsoft Excel Essentials starts at the very beginning by showing you how to get set up in Excel, how to personalise Excel to your needs and how to create, open...

Protect Yourself from Identity Theft




Get the tools you need to protect yourself and your business from identity theft and learn the main tactics of identity thieves. See how you can minimize the damage done to your life and finances if you become a victim of this increasingly common crime. This course is an invaluable step in protecting yourself and your income from this growing threat.The term 'identity theft' refers to criminals obtaining information about you that can then be used to make purchases or enter into contracts in your name. In some instances, thieves will steal the details of your customers or clients, using...

Motivation Mastery - Achieve more than ever before




In this free online course you will learn how you can transform your life and career. This motivation course covers all the major skills of motivation you need to be massively successful. Giving you the key tools, strategies and techniques you need to take your life and career to the next level. Learn how to realize your full potential!Learning these key motivation skills and techniques can help you be massively successful.In this free online motivation course you will learn how you can transform your life and career. This motivation course covers all the major skills of motivation you need to...

Basics of eCommerce: How to Sell Online




Are you an aspiring online trader or do you want to sharpen your current eCommerce skills? This course explores the basics of eCommerce and provides proven digital marketing, selling and distribution strategies. We explain how to set sensible prices, package your goods attractively and safely and select a suitable payment service. We also outline how to source goods and select a suitable manufacturing partner who can streamline your processes.Online commercial activity is called ‘eCommerce’ and sales on sites like eBay and Amazon are booming. Do you want to join this growing trend and start trading online or have you already...

Microeconomics: Price and Trade




This free online microeconomics course will teach you about price and trade. You will learn about the price system, which helps to co-ordinate global economic activity and acts as a signal for shortages and surpluses, helping firms and consumers respond to changing market conditions. You will also study how trade increases competition, lowers world prices and breaks down domestic monopolies.This course is very helpful not just for business entrepreneurs who are in the trade industry but also to those who want to understand how microeconomic conditions affect everyday life. It is the second in a series of four courses on...

Investigating Innovation




What is innovation and why is being innovative important in your personal and professional life? Find out with this online course.Discover different types, processes, and outcomes of innovationInnovation is a key element of entrepreneurial success and growth for any organisation. Being innovative gives a business a competitive advantage and helps shape a positive future. On this course, you will investigate why you should innovate and how innovation can be part of your everyday life. You will learn about different types and popular misconceptions of innovation and apply innovation to a real-life example to enhance your understanding. You will also consider...

Drafting and Negotiating Commercial Contracts: A guide to contract law for non-lawyers




How to effectively draft and negotiate commercial contracts.Effective contract negotiation is a crucial part of any business and the ability to draft effective, readable, non-ambiguous contracts is a valuable skill for everyone. Some common examples of commercial contracts include employment, supplies, leases, licenses, franchises, sales, license, real estate and partnership agreements. This is a practical course which focuses on developing the key knowledge and skill required by professionals when negotiating and drafting commercial contracts that involve parties, laws or businesses. It is important that professionals have the sufficient knowledge and skills to achieve their desired outcome from a commercial contract...

Customer Experience Design for Customer Success: CX Impact and Strategic Insights




Discover CX design methods and explore the importance of CX in business success.The bar for ‘good’ customer service has been repeatedly raised in the competitive digital era, with customer experience (CX) design offering a way for businesses to pull ahead of their competition through better understanding of their customers. This course offers an introduction to CX design, including the most popular tools within the industry, how to deploy them, and how to understand customer journey maps. Gain an introduction to CX design Start your own CX journey by defining the parameters of customer experience design. You’ll outline topline approaches to...

Demystifying Mindfulness




Discover the science of mindfulness, learn how it works and why, from a political, psychological, and philosophical perspective.Experience mindfulness for yourself, and learn whether it really worksInterest in meditation, mindfulness, and contemplation has grown rapidly in recent years. These practises are increasingly being seen as scientifically and psychologically valid forms of therapy. As new evidence from neuroscience backs up the claims for mindfulness’ value, it is now being adopted by practitioners as a tool for therapy, and by big business as a ‘lifestyle choice’. But what is mindfulness? And how exactly does it work? On this course you’ll explore the...
