Advanced Docker Administration - DEMO


Course details

Course description

What will be covered as part of this course:

Phase 1: Free Demo (Current Phase)

Docker Basics

  • Introduction to Containerization: Understand what containers are and how they differ from virtual machines.

  • Docker Architecture: Learn about the Docker daemon, Docker client, images, containers, and registries.

  • Docker Installation: Install Docker on various platforms (Linux, Windows).

Phase 2:

Working with Docker Containers

  • Managing Containers: Learn to start, stop, remove, and manage containers.

  • Interactive Containers: Run containers in interactive mode for testing and development.

  • Detached Mode: Understand how to run containers in the background.

  • Port Mapping: Learn to map ports from the container to the host for network access.

Docker Images

  • Using Docker Images: Pull images from Docker Hub and run containers.

  • Creating Images: Build images using a Dockerfile, and understand the layers in an image.

  • Managing Images: Tagging, pushing, and pulling images from registries.

Phase 3:

Networking and Storage

  • Docker Networking: Understand bridge, none, host, and overlay networks.

  • Volumes and Bind Mounts: Manage data persistence and share directories between the host and containers.

Advanced Topics

  • Docker Compose: Use Docker Compose to define and run multi-container Docker applications.

  • Docker Swarm: Learn the basics of orchestrating containers using Docker's native clustering tool.

  • Security in Docker: Best practices for securing Docker containers and images.

Phase 4:

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

  • Docker in CI/CD: Integrate Docker into CI/CD pipelines for building, testing, and deploying applications.


  • Docker for Microservices: Structure and run microservices architecture using Docker.

Monitoring and Logging

  • Monitoring Docker Containers: Tools and strategies to monitor the performance of Docker containers.

  • Logging: Configure and review logs for Docker containers.

Provided by

Entry requirements

Please contact the course provider for details.

Course options

Course details


Check with the course provider for dates.

Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

This is the main contact address for the provider. This may not be the location where this course is presented.