Linux Operating System Essentials


Course details

Course description

Develop your skills ready for a career in software development or system administration by learning the fundamentals of Linux OS.

Discover the world’s most popular open source operating system

From smartphones and servers, to supercomputers and submarines, Linux powers an incredible amount of today’s computer technology.

Improve your employability and transferable skills with this two-week course, delivering a working knowledge of Linux operations.

Learn how to create a Linux container using Docker

Starting from scratch, you’ll learn how to set up Linux and be introduced to key terminology including shell, terminal, and command.

Equipped with this foundational knowledge, you’ll move on to investigating processes in Linux, including data streams and piping, learning how data moves from one process to another.

Using these skills, you’ll be able to monitor and manage processes within your operating system, identifying and addressing any issues.

Explore common Linux commands and operations

From search operations to scripting, you’ll learn to create basic commands and finish with the skills to produce an entire series of commands. As you develop your understanding of more complex commands, you’ll also gain insight into the operations that take place within Linux that affect the processes and behaviour of your operating system.

You’ll explore the applications and uses of these concepts as they gain in complexity, allowing you to further your understanding of Linux and other operating systems.

Improve user management processes

User management is an essential skill for system administrators who want to ensure users have the correct permissions, passwords, and set up when working on Linux.

You’ll learn how to sort files, assign permissions, and improve your user management and monitoring techniques.

By the end of this course, you’ll have gained the essential skills to set up and run Linux OS, whether in a development, administrative, or personal capacity.

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Entry requirements

This course is designed for anyone with an interest in operating systems and understanding their processes better. It is particularly useful for those considering a career in software development or system administration.

Course options

Course details


Check with the course provider for dates.

Cost: Visit the provider's website for details.

Venue details

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