Sustaining Your Endurance Training


Course details

Course description

Understand sports psychology, sports science and best practices in endurance coaching to guarantee the longevity of your training.

Train sustainably with Federation University Australia

Effective goal-setting won’t guarantee the longevity of your endurance training. To keep progressing in the long term, you’ll need to develop strategies for mental resilience and coaching.

In this final of three courses from Federation University Australia, you’ll delve into sports psychology, sports science, and coaching practice, to lay the groundwork for future endurance training.

Learn the fundamentals of sports psychology to build your mental resilience

Mental resilience and a positive mindset are an essential part of endurance training.

You’ll start the course with an introduction to the fundamentals of sports psychology, exploring its links to physiology and anatomy in sport. You’ll learn how to stay motivated, manage pain, and cope with stress and fatigue.

Understand best practices in endurance coaching

With your expertise in endurance training, you may want to work on coaching others. In Week 2 of the course, you’ll consider the latest developments in coaching practice, and learn how training plans can be tailored to the needs of different audiences.

You’ll finish the course with the expertise you need to continue your endurance training, while helping others to train sustainably too.

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Entry requirements

This course is designed for amateur athletes hoping to expand their knowledge of sports science and personal training in preparation for an endurance event, or for aspiring coaches looking to develop the necessary expertise.

Whether you’re just starting out or a veteran competitor, you’ll gain the understanding you need to optimise your performance and hit new fitness goals in a safe and sustainable way.

Course options

Course details


Check with the course provider for dates.

Cost: Visit the provider's website for details.

Venue details

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