Measure Your Endurance Training


Course details

Course description

Discover tools, technologies, and methods for tracking your fitness and training in a safe, sustainable, and successful way.

Track your endurance with Federation University Australia

If you’re in the process of preparing for an endurance event, you need to be able to quantify your progress. Monitoring your performance and measuring your fitness will help you train more safely and sustainably.

On this second of three endurance courses from Federation University Australia, you’ll learn how to identify your needs, look after your body, and avoid overstretching yourself.

Learn how to harness training data to measure your fitness

You’ll start with an introduction to data collection and analysis.

Exploring a range of monitoring methods and strategies, you’ll learn how to measure your fitness, generate training data, and analyse your results to define your training plan.

Understand the importance of recovery in endurance training

Allowing yourself time for rest and recovery will help you progress faster and prevent overtraining.

In Week 2 of the course, you’ll master the principles of recovery, and learn how to assess when enough rest is enough.

Explore the role of resistance training in injury prevention

The benefits of resistance training are numerous: building muscular strength and bone density, protecting joints from injury, bringing balance to your fitness programme.

In the last week of the course, you’ll understand how incorporating resistance training could reduce the risk of injury and ensure you meet your fitness goals.

With this knowledge, you’ll be prepared to complete the third and final course of the track.

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Entry requirements

This course is designed for amateur athletes hoping to expand their knowledge of sports science and personal training in preparation for an endurance event, or for aspiring coaches looking to develop the necessary expertise.

Whether you’re just starting out or a veteran competitor, you’ll gain the understanding you need to optimise your performance and hit new fitness goals in a safe and sustainable way.

Course options

Course details


Check with the course provider for dates.

Cost: Visit the provider's website for details.

Venue details

This is the main contact address for the provider. This may not be the location where this course is presented.