Learning Online: Studying and Reflecting


Course details

Course description

Get the most out of online learning by reflecting and sharing your learning with others.

In this course, you’ll be introduced to some of the tools you can use to help you reflect on your learning; such as short tests and quizzes or online logs and journals. You will then move on to focus on sharing your learning with others. By producing and sharing video, using blogs, pin-boards, collaborative platforms or social media you can enrich the learning experience.

This course is just one of a series about ‘learning online’, which introduces you to the essential skills and tools you need to study online.

What topics will you cover?
  • Reflecting online: why it is important to reflect, and the tools available
  • Sharing online: exploration of tools to enable the sharing of text, images and video
  • Using online resources to research playwright and actor, William Shakespeare
  • Producing great video content by considering essential elements such as purpose, audience, subject, and quality
  • Sharing video and audio: reviewing the work of others

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Entry requirements

This course is part of the Going to University collection which has been specifically designed for students at schools and colleges. They provide a taster of undergraduate study at the University of Leeds and help students to decide which subject to study at university.

Completion of the courses will also enhance students’ university applications.

The courses can also be used as a teachers’ classroom enrichment resource.

Courses in this collection are also great for people that want an introduction in the specific subjects discussed in each course.

Course options

Course details


Check with the course provider for dates.

Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

This is the main contact address for the provider. This may not be the location where this course is presented.