Understanding Children and Young People's Mental Health

Dumfries and Galloway College

Course details

Course description

The Certificate in Understanding Children and Young Peoples Mental Health comprises five mandatory units that are presented in two concise modular workbooks: MODULE A: Unit 1: Understanding children and young peoples mental health in context. Unit 2: The factors that may affect children and young peoples mental health. MODULE B: Unit 3: Understanding children and young peoples mental health concerns. Unit 4: The impact of children and young peoples mental health concerns. Unit 5: How to support children and young people with mental health concerns.

Statistics show that the prevalence of mental ill health among children and young people is increasing. One in eight people aged 5 to 19 now have a diagnosable mental health condition, such as an anxiety disorder, depression or a conduct disorder. This equates to three in every classroom! Appropriate support and understanding are vital. Without this, a child with mental health difficulties is likely to become an adult with mental health difficulties too. We now know that half of all mental health problems experienced by adults first manifest themselves by the age of 14, yet only three in four children and young people with a diagnosable condition access the support they need. This course aims to increase candidates knowledge and awareness of children and young peoples mental health. They will explore the factors that make an individual more vulnerable to developing mental ill health as well as the factors that can protect their well-being. Perhaps most importantly, they will look at how the care, compassion and vigilance of others can support children and young people to bounce back from setbacks and successfully deal with the challenges they may face during their childhood and teenage years.

Learning outcome

Learners will be able to further their own continuous professional development, which may improve their career prospects, or allow them to progress on to further qualifications such as courses in health and social care or related subjects.

Provided by

Dumfries and Galloway College



Provider website

Entry requirements

Learners should be aged 16 and over, but otherwise there are no specific entry requirements for this programme

Course options

Course details

Distance learning

1st Aug 2023 to 31st Jul 2024

Cost: Visit the provider's website for details.

Venue details

This is the main contact address for the provider. This may not be the location where this course is presented.