HND Business

Ayrshire College

Course details

Course description

Good business and IT skills are needed in every type of industry and for all sizes of business - from small local firms to large multinationals, or public sector organisations such as the NHS and local councils. Our business courses will give you the right skills and knowledge to prepare you for a wide range of exciting careers - they’re relevant, practical and bang up to date with what businesses are looking for from new employees. If you’ve got aspirations to work in a managerial role in business, then this course can help you achieve your goals.

This course builds on HNC Business. It will develop your existing skills and introduce new ones, so you’re fully prepared and ready to start your career. You’ll need to carry out independent study and should expect to do a lot of report writing. You’ll look at business strategy and culture, including developing strategies for success, company values and ethics and how to manage to change within an organisation. You’ll explore managerial behaviour and the skills managers need to deal with others, including leadership, assertiveness and how to manage conflict. You’ll look at key areas within Human Resource Management and continue to develop your understanding of marketing, with the focus now on international marketing. You’ll build on your knowledge of economics, and explore the world economy and global economic environment. You’ll continue to add to your ICT knowledge, including data communication systems, project management software and software for presentations. You’ll extend your financial knowledge, learning how to use management accounting information in business and prepare financial forecasts and reports. You’ll also learn how to use statistics in business. Finally, you’ll have the chance to: Visit a Sheriff Court as part of your studies in Scots Law, and observe a real case. Work on real Case Studies for local businesses, such as a business plan. Meet local business employers who’ll give you their top tips for successful interviews, tell you the skills they look for when recruiting new employees and explain what it’s really like starting up a new business. Take part in enterprising activities, such as raising funds for charity and good causes. Some students may also have the opportunity to go on placement or secure part-time/summer work via our links with local employers.

Learning outcome

When you successfully complete this course, you’ll have the choice of: Moving onto a degree course at university, via our articulation arrangements, such as BA Human Resource Management at UWS (direct entry to year 3)Seeking to start your career in business Potential careers include: HR assistant, marketing advisor, business advisor, customer services officer or a local government role Setting up and running your own business

Provided by

Ayrshire College

info@ayrshire. ac. uk

0300 3030 0303

Provider website

Dam Park


Entry requirements

For entry to this course you’ll need: An HNC Business with a minimum of 15 credits An interview with us

Course options

Course details

Check with the course provider for dates.

Cost: Visit the provider's website for details.

Venue details


Dam Park



Who to contact

01292 265184 / 01292 293529

View course on provider website

Course details

Check with the course provider for dates.

Cost: Visit the provider's website for details.

Venue details


Dam Park



Who to contact

01292 265184 / 01292 293529

View course on provider website