JavaScript for Dynamic and Interactive Web Pages


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Course description

Do you desire to create interactive and dynamic web pages but don't know where to start? There's no need to look anywhere else! Discover how to create interactive pages using JavaScript, the all-powerful programming language that significant websites use. This course teaches configuring JavaScript and how to inspect your code with the Chrome Developer Tool. Understand JavaScript data types and functions and how to use loops and conditions.

Since its inception, the internet has grown in astronomical proportions in terms of popularity and relevance. As a result, visiting web pages is a daily routine for 95 percent of mobile and computer users. In addition, recent research has shown that users spend more time on web pages that are smooth and interactive, emphasising the importance of creating dynamic web pages. This course teaches beginners and web developers how to use JavaScript to make them interactive. We start by showing you how to configure JavaScript, write simple code, add JavaScript to an HTML file using script tags and test and debug your code using the Chrome Developer Tool.

JavaScript is a core web technology. We've compiled all of the information you'll need to create smooth web pages. Learn how to declare variables with the 'const' and 'let' keywords and how to select page elements with the QuerySelector and QuerySelectorAll. Explore functions, ternary operators, comparison operators and make single and multiple line comments while you add event listeners in JavaScript. We'll demonstrate how to implement loops and conditions. Finally, you'll discover JavaScript built-in methods like the ‘string’ method and the JavaScript list maker.

An interactive web page must be well-designed and functional, with a smooth interface that easily entices users to actively engage with the web page contents. This course walks you through creating interactive web pages from the ground up. You will master the JavaScript installation procedure and learn how to test and debug your code. You'll study functions, data types and conditions and learn how to add comments to your code, add event listeners and implement loops and string methods. So begin this course right away and make your first interactive website.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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