English Writing Skills


Course details

Course description

This free online English language course will guide you through the most important English writing styles, show you how and when to apply each one, and improve your knowledge on the correct usage of punctuation and grammar. These skills can help you express yourself clearly and effectively in your writing, regardless of whether you dream of becoming a professional writer or just want to improve your English writing for school.

Being able to write well in English is a fantastic skill. With this course, you will learn the most important English writing styles covering the areas of comedy, suspense, thriller, and poetry. This will allow you adapt your writing to the right tone for the right situation. To boost this ability, you will also learn how to write descriptive, instructional text, and opinion pieces, which will prepare for writing in a large number of different forums.

Next, you will be guided through the skills of audience management. You will first learn the differences between the main types of audiences, and will then be shown how to identify different audiences in different situations. Next, the course will show you how to appeal to each audience type, so that you can write for almost anyone. Each lesson will be outlined in a clear and simple manner so that your learning experience will be as easy as possible.

If you believe in the saying that the pen is mightier than the sword, this is the course for you. Being able express yourself clearly in writing is a wonderful skill that can last the rest of your life and serve you in a wide range of important situations. So why wait? Start the course now, and continue your journey towards really impressive writing and expressive skills.

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Course options

Course details


Check with the course provider for dates.

Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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