Selenium Fundamentals


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Course description

This free online web development course offers a comprehensive guide to the principles and applications of the Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE). We explain step by step how to optimize the suite’s functionalities and demonstrate how to download and include the Selenium libraries in a program. This course lets you use Selenium to test web applications, which will boost the quality of your output and thus your career.

Selenium is a portable framework for testing web applications and provides a playback mechanism for creating tests without demanding a new scripting language. Selenium presents a graphical user interface (GUI) and allows you to record your interactions with the website with ease. This free online programming course presents an in-depth and practical understanding of the principles of applying the Selenium testing tool suite in appraising web applications, starting with the criteria for selecting a Selenium tool for a test project. We unpack the architecture of Selenium 1, its commands and its installation as we navigate the advantages, disadvantages, and applications of test automation. We then move on to a description of Selenium 2.0 and its history. Do you want to know how to determine the most effective tool to apply from the Selenium suite for your individual test projects? This course answers that question by illustrating and demonstrating how and when to choose the proper tool.

This course offers the opportunity to explore Selenium IDE as an interface used to create automated test scripts and optimize the functions of the IDE. There are a lot of possibilities with the suite and we cover its limitations, requirements, controls and operational options. We unpack several ways to execute test scripts and lay out which browsers support Selenium. This course familiarizes you with different locator strategies and shows you how to match locators to page elements, match test patterns and use Selenium ‘assertions’.

This course takes you through the step-by-step procedure of downloading and including the Selenium libraries in a program before teaching you how to use drivers to control Selenium-supported browsers. We study various ways of installing web drivers to test applications in different browsers as you encounter the architecture and support features of the Selenium Web driver. Do you want to know how the web driver application programming interface (API) exercises the controls on a current web page and interrogates the web page to find the page elements and values? This course provides answers to such questions. We take you through the languages that Selenium binding supports as well as reasons for the efficacy of the HtmlUnit driver. This course analyzes the detailed procedures for configuring the web driver to control the browser along with the web element procedures to fetch, exercise and verify the web page element. We also unpack the configuration of the ‘select’ class to work with drop-down selectors. This course helps enthusiastic programmers, professional web developers or anyone interested in breaking into the field. Sign up today to acquire mastery of this crucial tool of the Information Age.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

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