Educational Psychology Training


Course details

Course description

Educational psychology is a teaching specialisation designed to help students achieve their full potential through an understanding of their thoughts and feelings. This teaching course provides the training you need to make this specialisation your career. We study the history and evolution of educational psychology to show you how to apply its principles to positively affect students' learning in a classroom, lecture hall or even their own home.

You may not be familiar with the field of educational psychology but if you have ever learned anything from another individual, you have experienced its theories and techniques. We define ‘educational psychology’ before delving into its vital elements and the links between this field and other psychological disciplines. We compare it to behavioural psychology, also known as ‘behaviourism’. Our course explains how behaviourism has changed since ancient times and guides you through its history.

We also discuss developmental psychology and examine Sigmund Freud and Jean Piaget's theories before tracing Erik Erikson's eight stages of psychosocial development. We investigate the ‘nature versus nurture’ debate and outline its role in educational psychology. The course then describes the disorders that make it harder for students to learn, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia. We study the symptoms of such conditions and discuss common questions parents may pose after a child's diagnosis.

The course explains how educational psychology has developed into a science. We go through the research methodology used by psychologists and establish the importance of statistics in their findings. We lay out the qualifications and degrees that educational psychologists require and provide those undergraduate essentials needed to enter a school, office or any other work context that requires a trained educational psychologist. This course helps you to form a solid understanding of the ever-changing theories and methods used to draw out the potential of all students. Enrol in this course today to learn how to harness the principles of educational psychology to positively influence your students’ learning.

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Course details


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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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