Basics of Corporate Management


Course details

Course description

This free online corporate management course will guide you through the most important tasks performed by corporate managers, like strategic planning, managing company resources, and achieving company objectives. Managing a large company takes a lot of knowledge and skill, leadership, administration, and directing. This free online course can help take your management career to the next level.

This Business Skills training course will introduce you to the world of corporate management. You will first study how to manage large scale organizations and the environment in which they operate. Next, you will learn how to evaluate organizational performance using key performance indicators (KPIs), which will help you to monitor the productivity of your staff and employees. The course will then discuss company management structures and objectives, the different management roles within an organization, and policy development.

You will then study the different management styles that you can apply to your organization. The course will cover the different management skills and competencies required to be an effective manager, including some useful approaches to managing change in a large, dynamic organization. You will also get an overview of the triggers, effects, and resistance that you may encounter in the implementation of such change, which will help you manage a smooth transition.

Gaining a clearer understanding of how large businesses and organizations operate will ensure that you are well-prepared for the challenges your company is going to face. This course will help you as a business professional to improve your corporate management skills by clearly explaining how large business systems operations. This will also open up opportunities for career advancement and promotion. So why wait? Try out this free online management course today and learn valuable business management skills in no time.

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Course details


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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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