Sociology: Social Issues and Change


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Course description

This free online course will guide you through social issues and social change in the field of sociology. We’ll start with a focus on health-related social constructions and health systems in the U.S. In addition to this, we’ll look at the concepts of urbanization, modernization, social movements and their attendant social changes. Your journey to master these sociological concepts is just a click away. Sign up today!

This free online certificate course is designed to take you through some of the essential principles of social issues and change as part of sociology. We will start with lessons on health and healthcare systems. You will learn about the different types of healthcare systems provided in the U.S. and the observable disparities in the administration or availability of healthcare to the various members of the U.S. community. We will also look into what is obtainable outside of the U.S. Mental illnesses and mental disorders are sometimes considered one and the same. But are they? One of the many topics this course covers is the distinction between these two terms. You will discover the most common mental disorders in the U.S. and the associated behaviours. We will guide you through comparative healthcare systems, where you will learn how and why traditional medical care combines with modern forms of medical care in the U.S. We will also look at the state of things in other countries. You will learn about social constructions on medical systems and healthcare and why it is relevant.

Furthermore, this course will provide lessons on the concepts of urbanization, population and the environment. We will explain what constitutes the defining characters of a city or an urban area. What is the required population? What are the required social structures? We will provide the answers to these questions in this course. You will learn about demography and population and the factors affecting them, like fertility, fecundity, mortality, emigration, and immigration. In addition, we will touch on the ever so important topic of pollution and climate change. Regardless of the UN’s attempts to unite the world in the fight against environmental degradation, they face polarizing opinions from some nations to this cause. Discover why some countries are opposed to this cause. Finally, this free course will explain social movements and how they relate to social change in great detail. We’ll teach you the different forms of collective behaviours, the different types and stages of social movements, as well as the concept of modernization.

Social issues and changes are fundamental aspects of the study of sociology. Social issues may include urbanization, modernization, population, health systems, and social constructions of society, and many more issues. In most cases, there is a natural link between the aspects mentioned earlier and the idea of social change. This three-module certificate course is designed to bring this link to the fore and explore it. The first module will run you through health systems, both in the U.S. and other parts of the world, while highlighting the social constructions and variables that are inherent. The second module will help you understand urbanization from a sociological perspective, highlighting the associated factors and shedding light on population and the environment related to the study of sociology. With the third and final module, we will explore social movements and their attendant effects on social change. Many social debates and illustrative stories are covered in this course to drive the learning points further home. If you’re a sociology enthusiast, this course will add value to your understanding of social issues and social change. Sign up for an exciting new learning journey today.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

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