Mental Health Training for Teachers


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Course description

Our emotional and social wellbeing are becoming more important than ever before. This course trains you to recognize mental health problems in colleagues or students in a school setting. When you recognize mental health signs or symptoms, you can offer help or refer them to professionals. This course discusses the complexity of mental health and equips you with the skills to support others to manage their mental health effectively.

Poor mental health in the workplace is more common than you might think and it negatively impacts happiness, job satisfaction and professional development. This course, ‘Mental Health Training for Teachers’, will help you gain valuable skills to assist your colleagues and students. Are you wondering what mental health is and how to deal with issues related to mental illness? We will study the definition of ‘mental wellbeing’, the extent of mental health problems among teachers in the United Kingdom and the negative impact of poor mental health on their careers. We will investigate how perceptions of mental health in the workplace affect teachers and why teaching is so stressful.

The course will explain the benefits of mental health training for teachers. We will explore the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on teacher and student mental health and explain how mental health training enables teachers to help children during the pandemic. We will look at common mental health issues among teachers and students to help you identify troubling mental health situations. Training staff on mental health is an important starting point for developing a culture of openness to mental health. Did you know that mental health first aid training is a great place to start addressing the growing mental health burden in schools? Discover what we can do as school leaders to help people with mental health issues and how to train staff. We will also discuss using the ‘mental health continuum’ to identify problems and recognize signs and symptoms of mental health problems in teachers and students.

We then demonstrate some self-help and home techniques you can use and share with those who have mental health problems. Understand when professional help is required for mental health problems, what treatment options are available and how you can promote the effectiveness of these treatments. We will also discuss how teachers and parents can help children cope with mental illness. We outline various relaxation techniques, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and mindfulness training and counselling services that can help you cope with anxiety or depression. So why wait? Start your learning journey today.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

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