Introduction to Emotional Intelligence


Course details

Course description

Being emotionally intelligent and stable instils positivity in individuals and inspires others to achieve emotional stability. This course will teach you how to master the art of self-management and become emotionally intelligent. Learn about the principles of neuro-linguistic programming, important communication skills, tips to improve business practices, anger and conflict management and how to impact the workplace.

Emotional intelligence, also known as ‘emotional smartness’, refers to your ability to recognise and manage your emotions and the emotions of those around you, which aids in better decision-making and improved interpersonal relationships. This emotional intelligence course teaches how to become emotionally stable as an individual and when dealing with others. This course starts with an overview of emotional intelligence. Discover the three skills that comprise emotional intelligence: awareness of emotions in yourself and others, the ability to manage or control emotions and the ability to harness and apply these emotional states of mind. Learn some helpful hints for improving your communication skills, social management and becoming more socially responsible.

This course will teach you the three types of anger, one of which is a complex mechanism that occurs when you feel threatened. You'll learn about anger's physical, physiological and cognitive causes. Anger becomes a problem when it is persistent, intense and leads to aggression or violence. We will teach you techniques for expressing anger healthily. Then we'll talk about self-leadership, which is the practice of intentionally influencing your thoughts and behaviours to achieve your goals and promoting self-responsibility and behavioural flexibility. Finally, we'll show you how to become self-motivated and optimistic in your daily life. Explore neuro-linguistic programming, a behavioural modification therapy that you can perform without the assistance of a professional.

Being emotionally intelligent is an important component in our daily lives because it helps you master your emotions and allows you to choose to be happy most of the time. We have designed this course to teach individuals how to control their own disruptive impulses, work with transparency and work consciously to achieve professional outcomes and efficiency. By taking this course, you will learn how to influence your workplace, change someone's thoughts and behaviours and help them achieve their goals. Take this course today and learn a new skill.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

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