Dealing With Difficult People In Life & Work


Course details

Course description

This free online Dealing with Difficult People course will teach you how to effectively deal with difficult people you encounter in everyday life and at work. This course was assembled with a Master Therapist, and teaches you the skills required to deal with even the most difficult people in your life. Those same skills can help you build healthy relationships, and manage conflict. Start this course today to start mastering complex people skills.

Difficult people can be a challenging problem but with these cutting edge skills from a Master Therapist this problem can be easily solved. You'll discover the secret reasons why difficult people are the way they are and learn techniques that can stop difficult people in their track.

In this course you will discover the secret skills used by top therapists to deal with the most challenging of people. From annoying people in line at Walmart all the way to lock-down psychiatric patients. These skills are all extensively tested in the field and known to produce outstanding results. Your tutor Prof. Paul Cline makes it fast, simple and easy for anyone to learn these skills.

You'll also learn how to deal with specific types of difficult people, and be shown techniques to control your emotions and come from a place of strength and power. The course also demonstrates hidden methods for dealing with conflict and how to skillfully side-step difficult people. So start the course today and by the end of the week you have gained valuable skills for dealing effectively with diffcult people.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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