Introduction to Mental Health Disorders


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Course description

Did you know that some mental health issues are inherited and some others can be induced by negative social interactions like racism or bullying? This psychology course teaches you the basics of mental health disorders. We study the classifications of these ailments and describe their underlying causes. We focus on the symptoms of common psychological disorders like schizophrenia and ADHD and explain how they are treated.

Millions of people around the world are victims of mental illnesses. These impact quality of life for sufferers and those around them and, if not treated properly and on time, can lead to severe complications and even death. This psychology course by Alpha Academy covers mental health disorders and teaches you the fundamentals of various mental illnesses. We investigate the root causes, symptoms and possible treatment options for each of these ailments.

International medical boards and research committees use certain metrics and standards for the classification of various diseases. The course discusses the strengths and limitations of these psychiatric classification systems. We then examine the characteristics of mood disorders and describe the use of psychiatric medications in their treatment. We trace the impact of mental illnesses on patients and their surroundings.

Eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are also classified as mental health disorders. We go through the causes of such conditions and lay out treatment options used to address them. We then study disorders related to personality like histrionic personality disorder and psychiatric disorders like attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This course is designed for psychologists and healthcare professionals or for anyone who is interested in learning more about this subject. Sign up today.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

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