An Introduction to Supply Chain Management


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Course description

Supply chain management is one of the many new management tactics that have emerged and rapidly developed across different industries worldwide. This course will help you understand supply chain systems, logistics and customer response principles. We explore global supply chain operations, warehouse management and the latest business concepts to help you improve your supply chain processes and boost your business’ productivity.

The supply chain distributes goods and services among affiliated companies. Supply chain management provides the entire production flow, from raw materials to delivering the final product to the consumer. This course covers supply chain management details and demonstrates how they apply to companies and organisations. You will learn the importance of supply chain management, the supply chain structure and the role of logistics in this process.

Positive or negative feedback is very crucial to any organisation. The following section will explore the customer response in supply chain management and reviews the supply chain systems and their principles. We will also discuss global supply chain operations and the inventory strategies for these. You will discover the functions of warehouse management and the types of warehouse operations in the supply chain.

Finally, you will study supply chain planning and some existing business concepts in supply chain management. Then we discuss the various ways to align your supply chain process with your business. 'Skill Up’, the course publisher, presents a rigorous online educational experience, helping you obtain industry-relevant skills certified by the world's most reputable academic institutions. Sign up for this course today!

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

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