Modern Human Resource Management - Recruitment and Selection Process


Course details

Course description

This free online Modern Human Resource Management course covers the effective recruitment and selection process that every human resource manager will find useful. This will be very helpful in picking the right employees who have the necessary skills and fit well within specific teams and organizations. Take this course and learn valuable knowledge in a step-by-step manner. It will level up your skills and give your career a boost!

The course will first introduce you to the laws related to the employment cycle and the steps involved in formulating effective recruitment strategies. You will learn how to develop a strategic job analysis, job description, and job specifications, along with the factors involved in advertising a job. The course will discuss the different types of interviews, interview questions, interview methods, and the steps needed in the selection process. You will also look into the potential mistakes that can arise when interviewing candidates.

You will then look into the employee selection process, including the criteria development, résumé review, test administration, the actual interview, applicant choice, and making the offer. The course will also discuss compensation planning and its goals. Finally, you will examine how to develop your own compensation package which includes basic salary, holiday pay, health benefits, vacation packages, and retirement packages. You will also gain a better understanding of the different types of payment systems and the factors which affect them.

Recruiting employees entails a tough but essential selection process that results not only in strong employees who have a particular set of professional skills, but also employees who work well together and are committed to your organization in the long term. This course will teach HR professionals and managers how to attract the right candidates to fill their job positions, so that they can help power their company's growth into the future. These are powerful skills, so check out the course and start learning something really useful, today.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

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