Training for School Counsellors


Course details

Course description

Counselling in schools is a rising field of study. Many children and adolescents need to talk to someone outside their immediate circle of family and friends during periods of mental or physical distress. This course explains these challenges and how to approach them from a counselling perspective. We also show you how to use technology to advise students and families and how to handle children with psychological and behavioural problems.

Counselling received in schools is one of the most common forms of psychotherapy available to children and young adults. Every child and adolescent experiences their own set of distinct developmental changes and may feel uncertain or even overwhelmed by those changes. Counselling helps them to understand themselves and the challenges they face better and teaches them how to manage these challenges. This training course provides a solid understanding of the theoretical aspects of school counselling.

We compare counselling and psychotherapy and explain why the British Association for Counselling changed their name in 2000 to include psychotherapy. We also provide various counselling methods and demonstrate how to establish a therapeutic rapport with your clients. The course then delves into school counselling and the working practices peculiar to educational environments. We describe the personal qualities required of a school counsellor if they hope to fulfil their duties and responsibilities effectively.

The course explains how to communicate with children of different ages and developmental levels. It is important to remember that children and adolescents spend more time at home than in the therapy room. We provide case studies to help you learn how to conduct a family counselling session with parents, who may be separated or divorced. We then show you how to conduct an online counselling session and help children with psychological problems and disorders. Sign up for this course to train as a school counsellor capable of guiding children and teenagers through troubled times as you seek to improve their mental health and wellbeing.

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Course details


Check with the course provider for dates.

Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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