Introduction to Warehouse Safety


Course details

Course description

Safety is a significant part of operations for any functional warehouse. This course covers all the foundational concepts and practices of warehouse safety. We will explain general hazards, such as slipping or tripping, the effect of poor ergonomics on workers’ health and measures to maintain site safety. Upon completion, you will be able to classify and assess the severity of different hazards and implement safety measures to avoid them.

Did you know that some 20 000 people are injured in forklift accidents every year with 25% of those accidents involving a forklift overturning? Warehouse hazards lead to many significant damages that can affect the lives of warehouse workers and cost the company money to make up for those losses. It is therefore important to be aware of the minor and major warehouse hazards and avoid them. This course aims to help you conduct business in a warehouse with safety and convenience.

We will begin by examining the role of warehouses in a company's operations. We'll review five different types of warehouses and discuss how business owners can ensure the safety and health of their employees. Next, we will enlighten you on the various occupational hazards associated with warehouses. You will learn about different internationally accepted policies for health and safety management and how these guidelines can aid in the prevention of general warehouse hazards.

Various hazards are associated with manual and mechanical stock handling in a warehouse and can cause havoc if not appropriately addressed. The course's final section emphasises the importance of proper procedures to ensure worker and employer safety on the job site. Warehouse workers, business owners, students or anyone who wants to learn how to protect themselves and their businesses from warehouse hazards will benefit from taking this course. Enrol now and start learning!

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Course details


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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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