Introduction to Quality Management and Systems


Course details

Course description

Since a product’s reputation and success are heavily influenced by its quality, many companies invest vast amounts in quality control systems. While the intricacies of creating and managing these control systems are unknown to many, this short course will expose you to quality measurement, management and assurance systems. You will also learn about supply chains and the entire chain of procedures employed to ensure superior output.

Providing customers with high-quality products is a sure way to keep them satisfied and secure future patronage. High-quality products are also positively perceived among competing prospects and make for better sales. Consistently producing top-quality products requires a well-thought-out and masterfully executed system. This course will explain these management systems in great detail, beginning with an elaborate introduction to quality, planning and management systems. Next, you will learn about the importance of a total quality management system (TQM) in making quality products.

Following this, you will learn the process of measuring, improving and controlling product standards. We expose you to customers' expectations and ways to meet these expectations to maintain good relations with customers. The cost of quality control and the process of ensuring employee satisfaction will also be covered in depth. Next, you will learn about Six Sigma, a comprehensive system for ensuring that businesses efficiently operate while reducing production errors to a minimum. We will teach you how to deploy and implement Six Sigma principles.

The course will then discuss supply chains and explain how to select, evaluate and communicate with suppliers. Finally, you will learn the importance of quality audits and the process for conducting one. Knowledge of quality management systems is beneficial. It provides insights on maintaining quality to manufacturing professionals and an improved appreciation for their hard work to ensure we get only quality products to customers. This course would thus benefit just about anyone. Register today and learn how to run sound quality management systems in under three hours.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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