Diploma in British Cleaning Certification Award (BCCA)


Course details

Course description

Have you ever wondered if cleaners earn a good living? Learn how a cleaning career can be both rewarding and accessible. This course provides practical knowledge of the cleaning industry in the UK and goes over the equipment and practices required of a professional cleaner. We cover methods and tools to use both in domestic and commercial environments and outline cleaning routines for kitchens, hospitals, toilets and bathrooms, offices and more.

Cleaning is not limited to simple mopping and dusting: it is a vast field offering several areas for specialisation. This diploma course explains how to find your niche in the cleaning industry that suits your expertise and resources. We outline various cleaning tasks required in domestic or business settings and go over the equipment and techniques required to safely perform them. We compare the different equipment and methods used in domestic and commercial cleaning. Kitchens are challenging and may harbour pathogens so we explain how to safely clean different areas and appliances used in both domestic and commercial kitchens. We then demonstrate how to set up a cleaning routine for bathrooms and toilets and which tools and chemicals you should use.

Hospitals require attention to tiny details during cleaning because of the danger of exposure to germs. This diploma course covers the cleaning and safety requirements for hospitals and provides tips for cleaning their wards, toilets and corridors. We examine specialised equipment and cleaning practices for such demanding tasks, which include pressure washing, machine sweeping and green cleaning. Working in the cleaning sector poses risks of work-related injuries and accidents no matter how carefully you perform your work. We lay out the common hazards present in workplaces and explain how to report and categorise work-related accidents before detailing the precautionary measures needed to avoid them.

The idea of starting your own business is both exciting and challenging because of its responsibilities, financial constraints and potential for profit. We lay out the pros and cons of launching a cleaning service. Our final section explains how to start a cleaning business and explores the dynamics of marketing, insurance, taxes and more. This diploma course is designed for those who want to enter the professional cleaning industry but also benefits anyone who wants to improve their cleaning skills. Cleaners are in high demand across every industry and this course trains you to take advantage of domestic and commercial work opportunities. Sign up to sharpen your cleaning skills or start your own business in the United Kingdom with a British Cleaning Certification Award.

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Course details


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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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