Positive Handling and Behavioural Training in Schools


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Course description

Dealing with difficult disciplinary situations in schools requires special training. This training course provides various positive behaviour management techniques used by professionals to deal with emotional children in schools. We examine various positive handling techniques and go over the ‘SCARF’ model used to understand behaviour. We also explore theories of child psychology to help you defuse challenging educational confrontations.

Teachers and other educational personnel are frequently faced with challenging situations involving misbehaviour and sometimes brutal fights and thus require specialised training to deal with them. Only a well-trained person can deal calmly with such confrontations and find a solution. This teacher training course is designed to prepare you to handle such problems in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

We define ‘positive handling’ and establish its global significance as more schools around the world adopt the ‘Team Teach’ behavioural method. We outline the characteristics of this approach and lay out its levels designed for different educators. We identify the causes of challenging student behaviours and provide a range of techniques for managing them.

The course outlines various de-escalation techniques and some verbal and nonverbal strategies for dealing with difficult students and situations. Finally, we go over the UK laws and regulations for dealing with negative situations in schools that protect the safety and dignity of both staff and students. This training course is appropriate for all educators and anyone interested in studying the psychological reasons for hostile childhood behaviour and how to deal with it. Enrol today to learn how positive handling techniques can calm down unruly or emotional students and restore order to the classroom without resorting to traditional methods of discipline.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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