Reversing Underachievement in Students


Course details

Course description

This teacher training course explains how to reverse underachievement in school students whose personal issues are affecting their academic performance. We examine the two factors that most often contribute to student underachievement. We then provide a new model you can use to help struggling students. Sign up to pick up the techniques and leadership skills required to inspire students to overcome challenges and reach their full potential.

This teacher training course explores the factors that drive underachievement in students and explains how to recognise underachieving students. We identify the two factors that most often contribute to academic underachievement and show you how to reverse such cases. This course provides the training you need to guarantee that your students reach their potential within a defined scholastic period.

To help you recognise underachieving students and influence them to do better, we discuss their behaviour they show and how you can encourage behavioural changes and identify what triggers them. This course also outlines techniques used to encourage underachievers to think about their future, become excited about life, show confidence to lead others and rise above their troubles to excel in the classroom despite them.

The course delves into the ’Sharzelos Model’, an educational approach designed to reverse academic underachievement by students affected by personal issues. We explain how to harness the Sharzelos Model to create a detailed ‘reversal plan’ for struggling students in your classroom. This teacher training course equips you with the leadership skills required to inspire students to overcome personal challenges and reach their full potential. Sign up to become a better teacher and watch your students soar.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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