Fundamentals of Trauma Processing


Course details

Course description

Catastrophic events can cause post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), significantly impacting individuals' emotional and mental functioning, and are a universal concern for healthcare systems. We therefore created this trauma processing course to give mental health professionals and other clinicians the knowledge and skills they need to help patients and clients identify and process traumatic experiences that negatively impact their lives.

Traumatic experiences are common in our society, from soldiers returning from the battlefield to survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Mental health professionals, nurses and other professions can thus no longer leave the treatment of trauma disorders to specialists. This course aims to teach specialists and the community how to conceptualize trauma and deal with it. We begin this self-paced course by showing you how to build a foundation in trauma processing. Following that, we will introduce you to the various types of post-traumatic stress disorders and their treatment approaches.

The three-stage consensus model is a valuable guide for planning treatment and allows the clinician to work within their preferred framework of trauma processing. Next, we will teach you how to assess trauma-related disorders in patients and the factors to keep in mind while using this treatment model, such as avoiding the temptation to jump to the second stage before stabilizing the patient. Finally, you will learn effective coping and ‘affect regulation’ strategies and how to deal with trauma and addiction comorbidity.

Not all doctors and therapists train in neurosurgery or trauma therapy. In addition, unresolved trauma issues or comfort levels in dealing with the intense emotional catharsis during trauma processing are not suited for everyone. The course will equip participants with the tools they need to understand and address the various personal development issues that may arise in the context of trauma treatment, such as the ability to empower clients and cope with the intensity of the sessions, as well as strategies for collaborating with other professionals in the community to improve the clinical treatment's effectiveness. Enroll today to gain or hone such skills!

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Entry requirements

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Course details


Check with the course provider for dates.

Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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