Early Childhood Crisis and Trauma


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Course description

Crises and catastrophes leave permanent marks on human lives and psyches. This counselling course defines ‘disasters’, ‘crises’ and ‘trauma’ before comparing reactions to them during the various stages of childhood development. We then establish the importance of helping children recover psychologically after a traumatic event. Sign up to learn how to support and counsel children who are affected by the trauma created by disaster and upheaval.

Tragedies, crises and painful experiences can leave indelible marks on the human psyche and bring about mental changes in the form of trauma. We begin this counselling course by defining terms like ‘disasters’, ‘crises’ and ‘trauma’ in the context of early childhood development. We examine the impact of disasters and traumatic events on human psychology and answer questions like ‘how can trauma affect an individual?’ or ‘what type of trauma counselling is beneficial to children?’.

This psychology course explains the interaction between children and trauma and identifies the possible outcomes for children who experience disasters. We establish the importance of traumatic reactions during developmental periods and trace their long-term effects. We then lay out parent-oriented methods to help children to make you part of the process of improving the mental health of the young. The course then explains how to help children after a traumatic event by providing support appropriate to each developmental stage of childhood. To do so, we answer questions like ‘what is a traumatic reaction?’ or ‘what are the stages of development?’.

This course provides the tools you need to help children after a traumatic event. You can confidently use these methods and insider tips to counsel preschoolers and school-age children. We examine the psychological effects of trauma created by crises and provide the skills required to understand and treat them. The course covers the different traumatic reactions specific to each developmental period and explains how to provide the appropriate psychological support. Sign up for this counselling course to learn how to help children deal with disasters, crises and the trauma they create.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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