Physical Education - Coaching Styles and Techniques


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Course description

This free online course on Physical Education teaches you about the different coaching styles and coaching techniques. Coaching helps people achieve their personal best and produce the results they are looking for. In this online course, you will learn about how to improve team performance, the role of a coach as well as study the elements that make up a professional coaching routine.

A coach is someone who helps people improve in the way they wish to improve and go in the direction they want to go. This free online course on Coaching Techniques and Styles will first discuss the role of a coach in improving performance as well as the fundamental attributes and skills of a good coach. You will then learn about the different coaching styles and coaching techniques, legal and illegal ergogenic aids, and about the importance of feedback.

Some people say that performance is 90% mental conditioning and 10% physical conditioning. This online course on Coaching Style and Techniques also covers sports psychology, where you will learn how it can influence athletes. Next, you will be learning about different injuries in sports, the intrinsic and extrinsic influences on fitness, and the socio-cultural considerations when participating in physical activity. You will also be learning about the role physical activity plays in the lives of different groups within society.

Upon completion of this online course, you will understand the different motivational factors in physical fitness exercises such as health benefits, the discharge of built up emotions, status symbols or social outlets, relaxation, improving personal appearance, or simply as a challenge. You will also learn how participation in physical activity can be promoted using role models and sponsorship. Check out this online course today and start learning about effective coaching methods, styles and techniques.

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Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

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