Fundamentals of Manual Handling


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Course description

This health and safety course examines the basic concepts associated with the lifting of heavy objects in the workplace and explains how to make manual handling as safe as possible. Poor lifting techniques lead to many injuries each year so we outline the rules, regulations and techniques that ensure that both employers and employees can safeguard themselves from harm. If your work involves manual handling, enrol now to learn how to manage risk.

This health and safety course is designed for anyone whose work involves physically lifting heavy weights and is concerned about safety and injuries. Whether you are a manager who supervises employees or someone who does the heavy lifting themselves, this course on the fundamentals of manual handling provides you with all the necessary details and skills you need to mitigate the risk of injury. We start off with a discussion on what manual handling is all about and the risks it poses. We then look at the key areas of manual handling to help you understand its core issues.

The course then describes the common physical injuries associated with manual handling and provides techniques that can prevent them. It’s not just the employee’s responsibility to be on guard against accidents and injuries as employers are also responsible for ensuring that the right environment and tools are provided to assist manual handling. We study the various pieces of UK legislation that have been passed at the government level to ensure workplace safety for employees.

Manual handling cannot be regulated by assigning rough estimates to ages, genders and weights. It is a collaborative effort between workers, employers and regulatory bodies to come up with a relevant framework that minimises risk and ensures everyone’s safety. This course outlines both the risks and techniques that minimise them. Manual handling poses a high risk of physical injury so it is imperative that everyone involved knows all the major aspects of manual handling. This health and safety course is designed to help employers and employees keep their workplace safe, avoid accidents and comply with the relevant labour legislation. Sign up to learn how to minimise the risks associated with manual handling and heavy lifting.

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Course details


Check with the course provider for dates.

Cost: £0.00 (ex. VAT)

Venue details

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