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Super CV examples

Want to add some sparkle to your CV? Check out our examples and see how you can give it that magic touch.

Creating your CV just got easier

You'll need a CV at various stages of your working life. And whatever your next career goal is, we've got you covered. You're in the right place if you're:

  • writing your very first CV
  • leaving college or university and need a CV to apply for a job
  • want to get back into work after a break and need help with your CV
  • exploring a career change and want to tailor your CV to a new industry
  • feeling ready to move up a level at work and need to polish your CV

Example CVs

Ready to build your CV?

Did you know that 40,000 people made a free CV with us last year? This means you're in the best place to create something that's high-quality and unique.

Build your CV