Develop career management skills
An introduction to career management skills and how they’ll help you stay in control of your career.
In 2022/23, 34,995 people used our career services. We helped them understand and develop their career management skills – we want to help you too!
(Source: Delivering Scotland's Career Services 2022/23)
Face big career decisions with confidence
We all go through changes at different stages of our working life. These include:
- starting a new role
- moving from education to work
- changing careers
- facing redundancy or being out of work
- preparing to reduce work or retire
Building skills to help you navigate situations like these will benefit you throughout your working life. You'll be more confident and able to make better decisions to help you manage your career.
At their heart, career management skills are about happiness. If you build up your career management skills, you’ll realise your potential and be engaged in the world of work in a way that makes you fulfilled and therefore happier. Those are the crucial skills SDS careers advisers are working with people across the country to develop.Alison DunlopCareers Adviser, Skills Development Scotland
Chat to our careers advisers
Ready to take control of your career and get it moving where you want to go? Get in touch and we'll support you.
Customers who called our helpline in 2021/22 gave us a rating of 9.6 out of 10 for customer satisfaction.
Call us on 0800 917 8000 to chat or get in touch with your local centre to make an appointment.