Sense making

Using our sense making skill means we try to process and understand large amounts of information. This helps us solve problems to the best of our abilities.

It's all about: ​​​​​​​Analysing, understanding, recalling, recognising opportunities, recognising patterns 

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Your sense making skill

There will have been various times you might have used your sense making skill.  

For example, if you‘re online shopping and buying a new product you’re not familiar with. You’ll look at reviews and seek opinion from others to decide whether you want to buy it or not.  

In school, you’ll use this skill every day in the classroom. You absorb lots of new information your teacher is giving you and process it. 

Top tips on developing your sense making skill

Throughout life, you’ll use your sense making skills every day.

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In general

Thinking about a situation you’ve been in and telling your friends about what you experienced or learned from it.

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In school

Remembering information you’ve learned in class to help you get the correct answers in a test. 

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In work

Reading an email from someone and being able to understand what they’re telling or asking of you.

Describing your sense making skill to employers

Employers like to know you have the skill of analysing and making sense of information.  

When writing a CV or application or talking at an interview, think about examples of when you: 

  • saw ways to make improvements in a project or task 

  • took in new information, called on information you already knew and used all of it to make a decision

Other skills that help you make change

Critical thinking



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