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Online seller

Use the internet to advertise and sell anything from handmade accessories to second-hand clothing from the comfort of your own home or studio.

Also known as: amazon seller, etsy seller, ebay seller, online trader

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About the job


Source: LMI for All











people are currently employed

High growth

300 more jobs in 5 years

These figures refer to this job and similar ones with comparable skills and qualifications. They only apply to Scotland. Source: Oxford Economics

What it's like

Advances in technology has changed everyday life for all of us. One of the biggest revelations is that we now no longer need to leave our homes to buy the things we need or want. Online shopping is now part of our everyday lives, so why not become an online seller? 

You might sell handmade goods on Etsy or second-hand clothing on eBay. You might also buy items in bulk and sell for profit on Amazon. No matter what it is, you’ll want to engage with customers for them to want to buy your products. 

You might set up your own website or social media account to use as a platform to showcase and sell your items. Or you could use one of the online selling services that’s already out there. A big part of the job is setting your own prices as well as packaging and posting them to your customers. 

In this type of job, you’re your own boss. You decide how much work you need to put in, how often you work and where you work from. It’s likely you’d work from your own home or a studio space, so self-motivation is key.  

Your tasks might include:

  • registering as a business and setting up an online service where you can sell your items

  • creating a business plan to work towards 

  • pricing your items and dealing with online cash transfers 

  • keeping tax records and making sure it’s paid on time 

  • photographing the items you’re selling to advertise to customers 

  • wrriting copy for your items to describe what they are 

  • advertising yourself on different social media platforms to attract customers 

  • packaging and posting items to make sure they reach customers safely 

  • keeping track of accounts to work out expenses, profits and other costs

  • responding to customer queries and feedback, including processing returns if necessary 


The hours and days you work are up to you. You might base this on your availability or the demand for your items.


You can work remotely, which might be from your own home or a studio space.

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    Top skills

    Skills are things you're good at. Whether you know what yours are or not, everyone has them!

    It's useful to learn which ones are important in a job so you know the areas you need to brush up on. It can also help you work out if you're suited to a career.

    Here are some of the skills you'll need to do this job:

    • taking responsibility
    • reliable
    • self esteem
    • managing resources
    • working with numbers
    • evaluating
    • written communication
    • working with technology
    • networking
    • positive attitude

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    Getting in

    Explore the sections shown for more information about getting into this career.

    You might have qualifications which are not shown here but will allow you access to a course. You can compare your qualifications by looking at their SCQF Level. For more information about this, check out the SCQF website.

    Always contact the college, university or training provider to check exactly what you'll need.

    Colleges and universities will list subjects you'll need for entry to a course. Some useful subjects include:

    • Accounting

    • Business

    • Foundation Apprenticeship: Business Skills

    You can get a head start in this career by doing a Foundation Apprenticeship in S5 and S6.

    You'll get an SCQF level 6 qualification which is the same level as a Higher. You'll also learn new skills and gain valuable experience in a work environment.

    Discover what's on offer at your school on  Apprenticeships.scot.

    Even though there are no formal qualifications needed to enter this role, online sellers will normally be self-employed, so an understanding of business would be useful. A a general understanding of online retail and what drives internet traffic is also useful.

    To run your own business you will need to develop a wide range of skills, from digital marketing to understanding taxes. 

    You might find it helpful to be in contact with other people who have started or are starting up their business. There are lots of programmes to help you find a business mentor or support group.

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