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Merchant navy rating

Work on board a ship, doing tasks like loading cargoes, maintaining the engines and looking after passengers.

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About the job


Source: National Careers Service



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people are currently employed

Low growth

No change in number of jobs in 5 years

These figures refer to this job and similar ones with comparable skills and qualifications. They only apply to Scotland. Source: Oxford Economics

What it's like

You would work on board a ship, doing tasks like loading cargoes, maintaining the engines and looking after passengers.

As a skilled seafarer, you would assist the officers in the day-to-day running of a ship.

You could work on:

  • Container vessels

  • Bulk carriers

  • Tankers

  • Tugs

  • Cruise liners

  • Ferries

You could specialise in different areas of work: Deck, Engine, Catering and Communications.

Depending on your job and the type of ship, you would:

  • Load and unload cargo

  • Inspect and clean holds, tanks, cranes and winches

  • Repair and paint the ship's hull, fixtures and fittings

  • Test fire-fighting and life-saving equipment

  • Routine mechanical and electrical maintenance

  • Watch the equipment controls

  • Prepare meals and serve food and drinks

  • Clean cabins, corridors and decks

  • Check stock and re-order supplies

You would also help deck officers with navigational and duties when on watch: the system in which a team will work for a few hours and then take several hours off in a rota that runs continually throughout the day and night.

You’d also anchor the ship when coming into port.

If you work for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary – the civilian-crewed ships operated by the Ministry of Defence – you would work on the flight deck during helicopter operations, and help with refuelling. You’d also be trained in nuclear, biological and chemical defence measures, weapons handling and repair.

You’d need to have a good awareness of health and safety issues and have a responsible attitude.


You would normally work shifts, known as 'watches'. On a large ship, you might work four hours on duty followed by eight hours off.


Conditions on deck could be cold, wet and windy at times, and below deck it could be very noisy, hot and cramped. If you work for the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, you may be required to work in combat zones or as part of peace-keeping operations.


The length of time you spend at sea could vary from a few days or weeks to several months. Your leave between voyages would also vary.

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    It's useful to learn which ones are important in a job so you know the areas you need to brush up on. It can also help you work out if you're suited to a career.

    Here are some of the skills you'll need to do this job:

    • problem solving
    • respecting
    • supporting
    • cooperating
    • attention to detail
    • time management
    • taking responsibility
    • reliable
    • resilience

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    Getting in

    Explore the sections shown for more information about getting into this career.

    You might have qualifications which are not shown here but will allow you access to a course. You can compare your qualifications by looking at their SCQF Level. For more information about this, check out the SCQF website.

    Always contact the college, university or training provider to check exactly what you'll need.

    Colleges and universities will list subjects you'll need for entry to a course. Some useful subjects include:

    • Geography

    • Practical Craft Skills

    • Skills for Work: Maritime Skills

    You would need to apply directly to a shipping company. Once successful, you'll complete basic training and certification. 

    You could also get this job through an apprenticeship. Some companies offer Marine Apprenticeships for applicants who want the chance to move on to Merchant Navy officer training

    There are no set qualifications but most employers will look for at least three subjects at National 4 or 5 (SCQF level 4/5) including English and maths. 

    To become a deck, engineering or catering rating with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) - the civilian-staffed fleet that supports the Royal Navy - you need a good general education and will have to pass an entrance examination. 

    Qualifications and experience that show relevant skills such as:

    • Skills for Work: Uniformed and Emergency Services (SCQF level 4).

    • Skills for Work: Maritime Skills (SCQF Level 5)

    • To be physically fit

    • Good eyesight and normal colour vision

    • To pass a medical

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