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Fashion model

Wear clothing and accessories to promote them to fashion buyers, customers and the media in live fashion shows or in photos.

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About the job


Source: LMI for All











people are currently employed

Low growth

100 more jobs in 5 years

These figures refer to this job and similar ones with comparable skills and qualifications. They only apply to Scotland. Source: Oxford Economics

What it's like

Models wear clothing and accessories to promote them to fashion buyers, customers and the media.

You might model items in live fashion shows or in photographs or videos. This could be for catalogues, magazines, newspapers, TV, social media or other advertising campaigns.

You could specialise in different types of modelling, such as:

  • photographic, advertising and TV commercials

  • fashion and catwalk

  • in-house live modelling for designers and clothing wholesalers

  • promotional modelling demonstrating non-fashion items at product launches and trade fairs

  • influencer modelling, showing of products for brands to your social media followers

You’ll need to have the right ‘look’ for the kind of modelling you wish to do. It’s important that you take care of your appearance.

You’ll also need to be confident, patient and disciplined. You’d need to be able to cope with criticism and rejection. Long, irregular hours are common and you may spend a lot of time travelling.

Influencer modelling has become a bigger part of the fashion and modelling industry in recent years. Brands can use influencers' online platforms to promote their products to large audiences. It also offers a new way in to the industry. You can start from home by building a following with your own social media accounts.

In fashion show modelling you'd walk along a catwalk, turning to display clothes in front of an audience.

In photographic, advertising and commercial modelling you'd:

  • pose for photographers in a studio or on location

  • take directions from photographers

  • act in TV commercials, including saying lines

If you worked as an in-house live model, designers would fit garments on to you in the workshop to see how they look. You would display the finished clothes to fashion buyers and private customers. When you’re not modelling you might do basic reception and secretarial duties.

You'd work closely with stylists, hair and make-up artists, producers and directors.

You'd also spend much of your time going to castings for jobs and looking after your appearance.


Working hours could be long and irregular, depending on the type and amount of work you had.


The job can involve a lot of travel in the UK and overseas to cities such as Paris, Milan and Madrid to attend castings, fashion shows and photo shoots.

Explore more information about this job

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    It's useful to learn which ones are important in a job so you know the areas you need to brush up on. It can also help you work out if you're suited to a career.

    Here are some of the skills you'll need to do this job:

    • reliable
    • time management
    • self esteem
    • verbal communication
    • listening
    • networking
    • cooperating
    • resilience
    • persevering

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    Getting in

    Explore the sections shown for more information about getting into this career.

    You might have qualifications which are not shown here but will allow you access to a course. You can compare your qualifications by looking at their SCQF Level. For more information about this, check out the SCQF website.

    Always contact the college, university or training provider to check exactly what you'll need.

    Colleges and universities will list subjects you'll need for entry to a course. Some useful subjects include:

    • Performance Arts

    • Skills for Work: Creative Industries

    To become a fashion model, physical appearance and fitness is more important than educational qualifications.

    To work as a model you need a good appearance and the right ‘look’ for the branch of modelling you wish to go into. 

    Fashion modelling has become more inclusive. There are now more opportunities for models of different shapes and sizes.

    Modelling agencies might want a certain look depending on what they are modelling.

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