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Financial services

It's not just about accountancy and financial services. Scotland has a demand for financial skills in marketing, digital and other exciting sectors.

What impact could you make?

Help people take control of their finances and increase their financial wellbeing.
Encourage people to direct their investments into eco-friendly and ethical projects.
Fight fraud, embezzlement and other types of financial crime, helping people keep their hard-earned money safe.
I really enjoy my job. I like talking to different customers every day, being able to help them with whatever they need.  In the past year, my confidence has really grown in the job and I've learned a lot. I learn lots in my job every day.Lorena CocozzaCustomer Service Modern Apprentice, HSBC UK

Financial services at a glance

With the development of banking apps, both digital and customer service skills are in demand. New technology has opened up new ways of interacting with customers, saving money and analysing the market.


In 2023, there were 69,600 people working in the financial services industry across Scotland.

Job availability

Between 2023 and 2026, it's expected there will be 1,900 people needed to fill job openings in Scotland.

Job diversity

As of October 2023, there are 393 Modern Apprentices across Scotland training in financial services.

Things you may not know about financial services

As of February 2023, 97% of the United Kingdom's population had a day-to-day banking account.

Source: Statista

Scotland is one of Europe’s financial services leaders. We’re the second largest international financial hub in the United Kingdom.

Source: Scottish Business News

FinTech (Financial Technology) is growing rapidly in Scotland. Since 2018, the number of FinTech companies has increased from around 20 to more than 140.

Source: FinTech Scotland

Organisations making a difference

Discover organisations within financial services and how they’re making an impact.