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Make your CV shine

Get ready to create an interview-winning CV with hints and tips from experts.

Five tips to get your CV to the top of the pile

Make your CV shine image
  1. Write a punchy summary. The start of your CV is vital – it’s the first thing an employer will see! Make a big impact by selling yourself with a short, sharp summary of yourself. 
  2. Use the description. Luckily, the job description tells you everything you need to include in your CV. Read it closely to find what key skills and experience employers are looking for and prioritise them on your CV.  
  3. Keep it short and sweet. Write succinctly by focussing on the most relevant qualities you have – that’s what employers are most interested in! If in doubt, keep your CV to no more than two pages. 
  4. Make it shine. A clean and organised CV is one of the most basic but crucial CV tips. Use a simple font, add headings to break up sections and include bullet points in your descriptions. Make it easy for employers to skim read all your best bits. 
  5. Stay relevant. A good tip for writing about your previous roles is to start with your most recent one – make sure it gets immediate attention! Employers are interested in what you’ve been up to recently, so list everything else after.

Careers adviser Stefan Mullan gives his CV advice.

Here's what employers are saying

CVs are crucial in helping you showcase your key skills and experience to potential employers. A good CV will be eye-catching, clearly formatted and easy to read. Remember to make sure you tailor your CV for every job you apply for!Holly WhaleSenior Associate, JP Morgan
Keep your CV to a maximum of two pages, focussing on key achievements. Be succinct and avoid exaggerating with terms like 'unmatched' and 'second to none'. If you've made a creative CV, like an infographic or graph, make sure the content of your CV is as impressive as its design.John DuffinLearning and Development Advisor, NHS Scotland