

Getting started

Learning intention

  • I will learn about my strengths and how to use them to make a decision

Success criteria

  • I can describe my strengths
  • I can use my strengths to make decisions
  • I can use My career options to explore jobs related to my strengths

Before you start


  • Front screen computer required for presentation
  • Pupil IT access useful for next steps activity (we recommend you use the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox or, in the case of Internet Explorer, version 10 or later)
  • PowerPoint presentation 
  • Review of my strengths worksheets


These are suggested timescales only and will vary dependent on your group.

Lesson one: Strengths, 45 mins

  • 10 mins: Discussing strengths and weaknesses
  • 10 mins: What are strengths
  • 25 mins: Complete strengths quiz

Lesson two: Strengths analysis and review, 45 mins

  • 5 mins: Access Strengths report
  • 40 mins: Review of my strengths​

Suitable for

This activity is suitable for BGE: S1 to S3, but earlier or later for some pupils.

Experiences and outcomes

This activity is designed to support:

Health and wellbeing across learning

Planning for Choices and Changes
HWB 3-19a
I am developing the skills and attributes which I will need for learning, life and work. I am gaining understanding of the relevance of my current learning to future opportunities. This is helping me to make informed choices about my life and learning.

HWB 4-19a
Based on my interests, skills, strengths and preferences, I am supported to make suitable, realistic and informed choices, set manageable goals and plan for my further transitions.

HWB 3-20a/ HWB 4-20a
I am investigating different careers/occupations, ways of working, and learning and training paths. I am gaining experience that helps me recognise the relevance of my learning, skills and interests to my future life.

Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing
HWB 3-11a/ HWB 4-11a
I make full use of and value the opportunities I am given to improve and manage my learning and, in turn, I can help to encourage learning and confidence in others.

Literacy across learning

Listening, talking and reading
LIT 4-26a
By considering the type of text I am creating, I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, and organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order. I can use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience.


ICT to enhance learning
TCH 3-04a
I enhance my learning by applying my ICT skills in different learning contexts across the curriculum.
TCH 4-03b
I can use ICT effectively in different learning contexts across the curriculum to access, select and present relevant information in a range of tasks.

Career Management Skills


I develop and maintain a positive self- image.

I make positive career decisions.


I am aware of my skills, strengths and achievements.

I build on my strengths and achievements.


I understand that there are a wide variety of learning and work opportunities that I can explore and are open to me.

I know how to find and evaluate information and support to help my career development.

Career Education Standard ‘I can’ statements

Broad General Education

  • I can extend and use my network to find and apply for opportunities that match my interests, strengths and skills
  • I can choose a blend of subjects, courses and experiences to enable my career pathways
  • I can access advice and support to help me make informed choices about further learning and opportunities

Suggested activities

Lesson one: Strenghts, 45 mins

Discussing strengths and weaknesses (10 mins)

  • Arrange class into pairs or cooperative learning groups 
  • One person should talk about one thing that drains them or they hate doing for two minutes
  • Observers should take notes on the body language and characteristics of the person talking
  • This should then be repeated with one thing that energises them or they love doing
  • Discuss findings and differences as a group and emphasise the signs of someone talking about one of their strengths: relaxed, but focused and energised; tone of voice; phases like ‘I love’ and ‘it just fits’; authentic, passionate and absorbed; easy to visualise and explain, rich descriptions; childhood exemplars likely

What are strengths? (10 mins)

  • Introduce and discuss the concept of strengths (refer to the What are my strengths article)
  • Clarify any definitions of words/phrases with the group which they still do not understand
  • Discuss how knowing your strengths can help you e.g. completing pupil profiles, applications, CVs etc

Complete strengths quiz (25 mins)

  • Ask everyone to go to and complete the Strengths quiz
  • Pupils will need to register or sign in and then select the ‘My career options’ tab to access the Strengths quiz
  • Pupils will be asked questions across three sections, with 24 questions in each (refer to the Strengths factsheet). They will be asked to indicate how much they agree or disagree with
  • statements relating to: ‘how well I do things’; ‘how often I do things’; ‘how much I enjoy things’
  • Each statement should be answered as honestly as possible and pupils should go with their first instinct. There are no right or wrong answers
  • At the end of the quiz pupils will see their strengths profile, broken down into two areas – ‘strengths that I use often’ and ‘strengths I use less often’. Pupils should read through their
  • results thoroughly
  • Pupils should save their results to their My World of Work account. You might also want to ask everyone to download the report to their computer or print a copy (NB. Downloadable version not available in Internet Explorer, please use an alternative browser to enable this functionality)

Lesson 2: Strengths analysis and review, 45 mins

Access Strengths report (5 mins)

  • Ask pupils to access their Strengths report. To access the report pupils should log in to My World of Work, go to their account, which they can access at the top of the homepage, and select ‘Strengths’. They should then select ‘View my results’

Review of my strengths (40 mins)

  • Hand out the Review of my strengths worksheet
  • Using their Strengths results, ask pupils to complete all sections (listed below) on the worksheet
  • Record the strengths you use often/less often and reflect on whether you agree or disagree with the results
  • Record your career suggestions/subject choices and put a tick next to the ones you think you would be good at and you would
  • Go to My career options in My World of Work and select ‘View my career suggestions’ to see personalised career suggestions based upon your results
  • Research your suggested careers using the job profiles and record information about your two preferred jobs on the worksheet
  • Return to the Strengths report and complete the Review of my employability (the my employability section can be completed in pairs or as a class)

Next steps and related activities

  • As a class, discuss why it is important to choose things that you enjoy and you’re good at when you’re making a decision about your future

  • Consider completing the Making decisions lesson plan to look at the career decision making process in more detail