
Teaching and caring for others


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131 results

Housing officer

Social work and caring services
Find a home for people who want to rent a house from a council or housing association. Look after properties and support the tenants.


Alternative therapies
Use hypnosis to help people make positive changes to their thinking and behaviour.

IT trainer

Computing and ICT
Show people how to make the most of their computers and teach them how to use different systems.

Learning support assistant

Education and training
Help children and young people who need special support to make the most of education, and assist teachers in the classroom.


Guide a mother to bring her baby safely into the world. Help her through this emotional and physical experience before, during and after the birth.

Music therapist

Use music and sound to help improve people's emotional wellbeing, relieve stress and improve their confidence.


Social work and caring services
Work in an employer’s home, looking after their children and making sure they are happy and healthy.


Alternative therapies
Offer people health advice and remedies based on the idea of naturopathy.

Nurse - Adult

Care for adults who are sick, injured or disabled and support them and their families when they are anxious and upset.

Nurse - Child

Look after sick, injured or disabled children and teenagers. Help them with practical care, and comfort them and their families when they are distressed.
