Dressing for an interview

Show yourself in the best light to your future employers.

3 minutes

Dress to impress

Amazing – you got an interview! You’ve prepped some answers and questions, now it’s time to get thinking about your outfit. 

We're here to help you dress to impress. You might feel nervous deciding what to wear but if you stick to some simple dos and do not’s, you will not go wrong. Most importantly, choose something you feel comfortable and confident in. 

First impressions

You want to make a good first impression. There’s no one way to do this, as long as you’re dressed smartly you’re on the right track.  

Employers care less about what you’re wearing and more about what you’re saying. While it’s important to dress well, it’s not as important as who you are — so you do not have to worry about what you’re wearing

Our 3 top tips

1. Keep it comfortable

You want to feel calm and collected in your interview. Uncomfortable clothing or accessories will not make you feel that way.  

Whatever you wear, you’ll want it to fit well and makes you feel good. A comfortable outfit will make you feel much more confident.  

2. Be yourself

The outfit you wear should be smart but it should also be true to you.  

The interviewer will be looking to find out more about you and your personality. They will not see that if you do not dress like yourself. If that means wearing something slightly colourful or a hint of print, go for it!  

3. Dress for the role

What do the people at the workplace dress like?  

Explore the company’s website, this will help you choose an outfit that looks like you’re dressed to start the job you’re interviewing for.  

What not to wear

Avoid impractical clothing 

Wear something that’s appropriate for the role and the weather.   

What will the weather be like that day? Is it an active coffee shop role or a corporate office job? Make sure to keep these conditions in mind when you pick your outfit. 

It’s always a good idea to prepare your outfit the day before — it helps makes sure it’s all ready to wear and nothing needs a last minute wash! No matter what job you’re interviewing for they’ll want to see you at your best, so make sure you’re presentable

Let your words talk 

Although you want your personality to come across, you want to make sure your outfit does not overpower your words.  

Your goal is to be remembered for the things that you say. Remember, what you wear is supposed to support you, not define you.  

More information on preparing for an interview

An interview is about much more than what you wear. Check out our interview guide for top tips and more information to help you nail your interview.