Routes to employment


Getting started

Learning intention

  • I will learn about the various routes into employment 

Success criteria

  • I can identify various routes into employment
  • I can use My World of Work to research options available to me

Before you start

Resources and downloads


These are suggested timescales only and will vary dependent on your group.

  • 15 mins: Introducing routes to employment
  • 20 mins: Case studies
  • 20 mins: Make your own career journey

Suitable for

This activity is suitable for Senior phase: S4 to S6, and college or other means of study.

Experiences and outcomes

This activity is designed to support:

Health and wellbeing across learning

Planning for choices and changes
HWB 4-19a
Based on my interests, skills, strengths and preferences, I am supported to make suitable, realistic and informed choices, set manageable goals and plan for my further transitions.

HWB 4-20a
I am investigating different careers/occupations, ways of working, and learning and training paths. I am gaining experience that helps me recognise the relevance of my learning, skills and interests to my future life.

Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing
HWB 4-11a
I make full use of and value the opportunities I am given to improve and manage my learning and, in turn, I can help to encourage learning and confidence in others.


Literacy across learning

Listening, talking and reading
LIT 4-06a
I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order, and use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience.

LIT 4-25a
I can use notes and other types of writing to generate and develop ideas, retain and recall information, explore problems, make decisions, or create original text. I can make
appropriate and responsible use of sources and acknowledge these appropriately.


ICT to enhance learning
TCH 4-03b
I can use ICT effectively in different learning contexts across the curriculum to access, select and present relevant information in a range of tasks.

Career Management Skills


I understand that there are a wide variety of learning and work opportunities that I can explore and are open to me

I know how to find and evaluate information and support to help my career development


I use information and relationships to secure, create and maintain work

Career Education Standard ‘I can' statements

Broad General Education

  • I can extend and use my network to find and apply for opportunities that match my interests, strengths and skills
  • I can choose a blend of subjects, courses and experiences to enable my career pathways
  • I can access advice and support to help me make informed choices about further learning and opportunities
  • I can demonstrate diverse thinking when exploring learning opportunities and pathways

Suggested activities

Introducing routes to employment (15 mins)

  • Initiate class discussion about different routes to employment
  • Discuss what is involved in these 10 different routes: university, Modern Apprenticeships, Foundation Apprenticeships, Graduate Level Apprenticeships, starting your own business,
    work experience, employment, college, volunteering and training, e.g. Certificate of Work Readiness
  • Using the example profile in the PowerPoint presentation discuss what Lisa’s possible progression routes are to achieve her goal of working with animals
  • Discuss and consider the pros and cons of each route. This gives the opportunity to explore challenges, e.g. moving away from home, a low wage star

Case studies (30 mins)

  • Split class into seven groups, or more if required
  • Issue profiles: Amanda, Ahmed, Heather, Ivy, Keith, Kevin, and Simon, giving one to each group 
  • Issue a blank Career journey worksheet and prompt sheet to each group 
  • Groups must now identify possible routes to help the individual in their profile achieve their desired outcome, just like the example of Lisa in the presentation 
  • Ask pupils to go to My World of Work to research accurate information for their case study using the I have a career in mind tab within My career options, as well as the Learn and train section. They can also use and college or university websites too
  • They should use the Career journey worksheet to record the possible routes they have identified for their case study (encourage pupils to record more than one possible route to achieve each outcome) 
  • Groups should choose a preferred route for the young person in their case study and present their findings to the class, justifying their decisions for their preferred route

Create your own career journey (20 mins)

  • Issue everyone with a blank Career journey worksheet 
  • On the back of the worksheet, pupils can list some information about their own work experience, qualifications, interests, strengths and skills, just like the profiles they have been working with earlier
  • Pupils should then choose a job outcome that they are considering
  • Pupils can now explore different routes towards this job outcome using online resources such as My World of Work and record their options on the Career journey worksheet

Next steps and related activities

  • Pupils can continue to research learning and training options further using the Learn and train section in My World of Work
  • Pupils can go directly to to find out all they need to know about apprenticeships